If you're a girl, please take it a good DISCRETION,

Alternatively, if you must tell your boy

Today after work hours I heard from my girlfriend in the emergence of a new way to rape

Girls happened to one of the best friend after the completion of its work and direction during

To her home found a small child crying, I felt pity for the child I went to ask him what

Regret him, told her he was a lost child and wants to return to his home and gave a paper written

By the title. Alguetapbkl went well and without doubt in something with the child in order to

Menzlhandma and he had come to pray for the child's home! Girl rang the door bell Vsaktha

Electricity, where the bell was electrified and passed out when I woke up today

Next, and found herself naked in the house free of her clothes and could not even see

Face of the offender. That is why in the commission of crimes in the days to the present with people

Good next time if this situation occurs, do not go with any person to

Place and it is better to go by to the police station please send this

E-mail to all the girls who Tarafohm and also warned your mothers and sisters and
